Syndicated Metals Limited (ASX: SMD) (“Company”) is pleased to announce that it is offering existing
eligible shareholders the opportunity to participate in a non-renounceable entitlement offer on the
basis of four (4) fully-paid ordinary shares (“Shares”) for every eleven (11) Shares held on the record
date at an issue price of 2.0 cents per Share (“Entitlements Issue”) to raise up to $1,995,968 before
The funds raised will primarily be used to underpin a major new phase of exploration across the
Company’s North Queensland copper-gold projects including exploration activity at Syndicated’s
Barbara Copper-Gold Joint Venture Project. This multi-pronged exploration initiative is designed to
expand the Company’s JORC resource inventory, extend the life of the Barbara Copper-Gold Joint
Assets, Experience, Growth
enture Project and identify new growth opportunities with the potential to enhance the Company’s
North Queensland copper business.