News: Some 48 patients with gunshot wounds being treated in NZ hospital, page-12

  1. 7,611 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 28
    Re: The manifesto as posted in thread link below
    What is of concern IMHO was how well articulated it was.
    ,,,found it a form of ultra controlled and callous insanity.
    The other thing to consider in events such as this is the oft
    severity and long term ramifications of both mental and
    physical scaring that can last a life time,for not just the
    wounded,but allso,for the all attending professionals.
    and witnesses,and the victims families.

    Thus if you extrapolate the 48 and multiply by a very conservative
    1000 you get a scar score in the order of 48000 injured

    The reason why 1000, every doctor has to treat 48,
    and then there are the police,and nurses,and S.O.S drivers,
    and families,and those who narrowly escaped,,,,,,,,etc etc etc

    Further Ref:HC_Internal Link
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