G'day Grumpy, This Simply Wall st site wonders whether WTG is financially sound, Ok they are still hemoraging a little but is it that bad? Are you still keeping up to date with matters?
This S. Moore fella having a say too but he's not so bad, not like that bias T.Winfroth Sheriff fella because Moore highlights the difference between the RT era and the WTG era at least but the others seem to have a bias header or content to my mind.
I also see that WTG managed to get 800k out of RT and it seems he was generous enough
to waive his right to his 280k. Better than nothing i guess. It's not looking like he'll ever get locked up, he just keeps on plodding along buying companies back as if nothing has happened, just water off a ducks back, he be real slippery, his excuse in this article is to blame short sellers, Musk seems to be travelling down that road too.
I also see that SGH or AC have been made to cough up 100 mil+ for breach of client disclosure laws when AG and Co were doing the rigorous DD, they don't seem to have a very good character set and wheres the ethical Lawyer behaviour playing show and tell around town with over 7000 confidential client documents... What a way of carrying on, shouldn't some legal authority discipline those involved or is it a nothing to see here approach in the legal world, it all makes me wonder.
I've also caught up on the silly fraud claim reading the WTG defense and from what i can gather it seems to be set for court late '19. The WTG defense seems quite straight forward, not a lot of waffle it just highlights the points that matter to my mind and now with SGH being fined with the above breaches which seem to be quite a serious thing because the EU has revamped the laws or fines quite considerably up to 20 mil, i doubt any sane individual wouldn't take SGH's word as gospel and surely a Judge wouldn't rely on heresay or opinion from a company that has disregarded client confidentiality.
Do you think WTG might sue SGH for interest and damages of some sort if the claim gets thrown out or WTG win, that AC would have plenty cash knocking about i would imagine?
Heres the WTG defense for those that haven't read it.
Best Wishes