Feb 13 (Reuters) - Newcrest Mining Ltd (NCM) :
- Remain on track to achieve annual guidance for fourth year in a row
- Near, medium and longer term growth options remain on track
- Financial impact of dividend amounting to $58 million has not been recognised in consolidated financial statements for half year
- "Resolved to amend the target financial policy metric with respect to liquidity coverage (that is, the target level of cash and committed undrawn bank facilities)."
- "The change is from "at least $1 billion" to "at least $1.5 billion, with approximately one third in the form of cash".
- At Lihir, we have set a target of 14mtpa (annualised) sustainable mill throughput by december 2017 and aspirational target of 17mtpa in future
- Resolved to to reduce the bilateral bank facilities by $400 million from $2.4 billion to $2.0 billion
- Effective from 1 jan 2018, will no longer hedge any of its price exposure to non-power related diesel fuel at cadia, telfer and gosowong based on immateriality of those costs to group