News: Australia's Cardinal Pell sentenced to 6 years jail for sexually abusing choir boys, page-36

  1. 58 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    ANY priest who has witnessed, or heard of any abuse is culpable and worthy of the utmost derision. And I'll bet the majority fall within this category.,And I certainly include ANY and ALL confessions. Stick THE SANCTITY BS where the sun don't shine.

    ''There are just as many bogans, druggies and deadbeats as the Aboriginals.''
    Crime/incarceration figures say otherwise

    ''But Aboriginals have pretty good reasons for being angry given their history.''
    The fact that we can no longer legally shoot Japs, hang Wogs and Krauts, and abuse Muslims given THEIR HISTORY of transgressions
    renders that argument void. WE are no longer responsible because WE never were responsible.

    Take the billions of dollars thrown at you and get on with living. Maybe we can take the billions that the RC Church DOESN'T spend on the poor and use that also Maybe that'll assuage all that pent up anger.

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