this is the most poorly disguised effort at discrediting/defaming someone who worked their ass off for CLZ that I have read in a long time. It smells like a classic but stupidly executed blame game to remove attention from the ongoing mgmt issues that have plagued this company from day one.
How do you think the commercial manager, who resigned (rather than being sacked) had a negative impact on the company?
He wasn't responsible for the egregious noncompliance with ASX rules that have put the company in a 3 month suspension.
He wasn't responsible for issuing bucketloads of shares to friends and family members.
He wasn't responsible for the steady depreciation of share price and value.
He wasn't responsible for lying to creditors about payments.
He wasn't responsible for failing to keep the shareholders informed during the suspension.
He lent the company more than $70k when it was broke without any interest or complaint because he believed in the project and the capacity to turn things around.
The list goes on.
Go ahead and continue to defame him if it makes you think it will distract investors from the truth.
The truth lies in the following:
- Latest Annual Report
- Deans fantastic drill results
- The utter failure of the company to get its shares back on the board and the damning court transcript that was released today.