We have ben a bit slow in giving you updates on the changes made the new site in relation to the ongoing feedback received. Of course we would like to encourage you all to take a look back in if you've been 'stuck' in the old site and afraid to come back for a check of the new.
Here are some of the major changes that members complained about, and we have listened and fixed.
Overview vs Discussion: Members can now choose to have Discussion as their default landing page. To change this, you go to your account preferences page in your account settings at top right of page and select the default you prefer.
White space and font colours, highlight followed members posts. All changed dramatically since first release.
Changes to positioning. The post infomration that was across the top of posts has been returned to the familiar left hand box. This was a big issue for making post less readable on the new site, and things should now look much more familiar.
Multiple odds and ends. Lots more improvements, most won't be noticable unless it was something that really bugged you as a member! Speed issues are hopefully close to being perfectly sorted out.
We know there are still things that need to be clarified, checked, fixed etc, especially on mobile devices, so it is certainly not completely there yet, but at this stage, on a PC I can't go back to the old site now, as it looks really old fashioned and a bit clunky, so it has been a very quick way to adapt, being able to transition to and fro the old and new, especially if you need speed rather than learning something new in market hours.
I intend to open a brand new feedback thread for any fixes you may find still need doing, even though they may already still be on the techs long fix list. All old feedback threads will be closed off so that we can start afresh and techs will know what is still troubling members. Familiarity wise though, you will see that things are more as you are used to. Feedback thread for tech fixes - https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/new-site-feedback-from-november-14th.4534928/ To give feedback on design issues, please email the address in my signature.
Good to see a lot of members are on the new site permanently and happy already, and this post is to prompt some of you stalwarts to click the button at the top and come and have another look and use the new site for a couple of days, and see how it feels. Your old faithful will still be there if you need it for a while!