Hi Non, once the 249D has been received an announcement has to be released and a date set to hold the EGM, I dont have the . timeframe in front of me but it is pretty quick, the SHs have to vote for the outcome and obtain at least 50% plus 1 vote to get it over the line, my concerns is this, once it is handed to the company the SP will tank, and there is a distinct possibility of it not recovering, IMO they will not be successful as if my memory serves me correctly only around 30% of SHs will vote, management will hold enough votes between them to overturn the 249D, by then the damage will be done, from what I hear about the person they want to put in as captain it worries me as he has no previous senior management experience, whilst I agree that management need a shakeup, the way it is being done is not in the interest of shareholders and could/will come back to bite them, BGS was a completely different kettle of fish, I hope they are not thinking they will get the same result, GLTAH