new algorithmic trading forum, page-20

  1. 32,087 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    What about giving me a greenie, I am sure it was my suggestion. No thanks from management not even a reply. They just changed the words.

    25/03/10 08:50
    Post #: 21327
    Start of thread:
    Views: 102

    I know it sounds maybe a bit crazy. But they appear to becoming a disease with a lot of stocks. Nearly every day I see all these threads about them, its Groundhog Day. I like to read what others think and what their interpretations are. Maybe if you whack them all together it might stop the same old questions repeatedly asked daily. Also others not interested with the stock may see something they never would. I noticed there has been 1 post on the Rare earths forum in a couple of years. I bet there would be more on The Bot Forum
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