RNT 5.26% 2.0¢ rent.com.au limited

No Problem Acca. Normally I am a big fan of FA & TA combined and...

  1. 13,245 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    No Problem Acca.
    Normally I am a big fan of FA & TA combined and have some good success. Have done enough research on RNT and renting market and potential future. Hence, I am pretty much ignoring day to day TA and only concentrating long term FA to build up good stake in this company.
    After first few parcels around sub 20c, i was buyer yesterday & also today.
    Will keep topping up at it goes down/up, depends on the situation and future news.

    Everyone to their own but for me, this looks ripper for next year and so.

    Last year, i was buyer of CDV at 2-3c when no one even touching it except couple of block trusted my research and kept with CDV. Unfortunately sold on uptrend around 8c as dont like to hold mining for long time and see where CDV is. AJX was the same from 15 through 70-80c profit taking.

    Let's see where RNT can take us. Patience is the key to make money in this business and in fact you require more patience than money to survive in stock market.


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Mkt cap ! $14.35M
Open High Low Value Volume
1.9¢ 2.0¢ 1.9¢ $33.64K 1.761M

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
3 230709 1.9¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
2.0¢ 326405 2
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Last trade - 11.39am 04/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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