AND 4.55% $1.04 ansarada group limited

and still the andean shareprice is simply tracking the kcn bid...

  1. 21,227 Posts.
    and still the andean shareprice is simply tracking the kcn bid (at 14 and for 1 kcn). the key to the report was the following

    "These latest four holes were designed to in-fill the drill density and provide data on grade and continuity of mineralization for the resource estimation program, which is currently in progress. They achieved this objective, intersecting mineralization of similar width and grade as that intersected in the earlier drill tests."

    and with real emphasis on the word IN-FILL, in other words, these results will not provide for any quantum leap in resources - just a few extra oz, at the margins . just look at how many "cerro negro results" have been announced since kcn made the takeover bid - yet despite this, the andean shareprice, still tracks the kcn offer. just to put everything in a historical perspective, and using a 14 for 1 offer, then at the end of march, with andean trading at 44c, then that would have valued kcn at $6.16, yet kcn was trading at $6.50 ie a discount of 5%. today, with andean trading at 36.5c - thus valuing kcn at $5.11 - but kcn is trading at $5.34 - the discount is 4.3%. which in reality, is much of a muchness
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