So this afternoon a tradie came to our house and unknown to us...

  1. 16,971 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    So this afternoon a tradie came to our house and unknown to us left the front gate open. Should have known better and checked...but anyway our sneaky little dog got out of the yard and pissed off down the park. Had to cross a busy road too. Anyway when we noticed he was gone we went looking for him ~1hr. One people said that'd see him around the park and another said they'd seen him playing with a lady and her kids and they left with him in a blue car. So we rang the council, per store and finally the vet where someone had handed him in. Awesome we got our dog back...

    However the vet made mention that the woman took the dog home first and not straight to the nearest vet. And while at home our dog doesn't like some other dogs and didn't get along with her dogs so she took him to the vet.

    Our dog would be expensive to try buy so in all likelihood if he did gets along with the ladies other dog she would have kept him.

    Once we were at the creek and he snuck off and we were calling him and we called out to the people at the spot next to us,
    "Have you seen a little blue and white dog?"
    Mummble "No" and sholder shrug reply from them. As we walk closer calling the dog, out he walks from right next to them being called by one of their kids. They would have stolen him for sure.

    But anyway we got him thats all that matters, it just I'd never dream of taking someones dog.
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