minor miners face major headache from iron-ore, page-2

  1. 17,248 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Toby,ever since Bowler gave Shovelannia back to rio,after cazaly rightfully and correctly claimed it as their own,Ive been against the majors.

    There's been this "only the majors can finance",these big projects.

    As far as I'm aware shoveliannia still hasn't been mined.

    Yet there are finally in WA ,smaller IO miners are starting to work together and aggregate their positions to make collective viable operations.

    Inland from the proposed Oakajee wharf,there are some 12 magnetite IO miners waiting for government handouts,so that they can make some money.

    These dirty dozen should aggregate the combined costs and earnings and get this show on the road.

    The state government and federal governments and prospective workers are missing out a a flawed system IMHO.

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