WFE 0.00% 2.4¢ winmar resources limited

Beisha...heart palpitations day 1 without a doubt..and probably...

  1. 1,526 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 466
    Beisha...heart palpitations day 1 without a doubt..and probably a week after that and then subsequent months...I’m not planning on selling any until I get maximum benefit here...I agree what goes up will eventually come down..look at SPT running a payment system on an oily rag at the minute but people placing future bets on growth potential..SP and Mcap well overvalued but still running...just shows you anything is possible
    But first things first....let the market digest -
    1. The prospectus...some financials
    2. The plant valuation
    3. The off take prepaid agreement with the Europeans
    4. The European partner
    5. The pricing terms and revenue potential
    6. The timeline to cobalt production
    7. The first processing of ore and initial production metrics....
    ....yeah all the above heart palpitations
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