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Originally posted by Offend
I understand what you are stating with the amount of money that has been injected from the foreign company. Given that my point is that this is not an investors flag or a company flag up the pole. The flag is a the symbol of a an overseas Rebublic county that is flying above and without any respect to the Australian Nation and its sovrenty. Is this foreign country now laying claim to Australian soil as this is the actions of an invading force on foreign soil wishing to take over power. I would think if i hoisted an Australian flag only in a foreigh country i would be quickly arrested. The potocal in Australia for raising flags states SHALL raise Australian.Aborigional and then other Nations. Shall means you will do not just have a think about it or do as you please.
The people of Cloncurry should voice their discust at CDU actions and respectivly have this flag immediately removed. As this is a foreign country flag that represents a Republic country they should appoligise to the Australian Nation for slapping us in the face given the meaning of only raising your countries flag on Australian soil. Meny members of my family including all past and present service personal served to keep the Australian flag flying in this country and not a foreign nations flag. I would ask that this is shared so as to make aware the ignorance of this person who ordered this flag to be raised. If the person who ordered this flag to be raised is still a citizen of that country and this country did not approve the use of the flag then they should recall this person back. The actions of CDU and i can only assume at this point in time the foreign nation represented by this flag is absolutely disgracesfull and
While I do agree with you that that should not be allowed to happen, have you paid/given any thoughts about approaching both Bob and Robbie Katter for their advice and action.??
I am pretty sure that, Bob especially being no short of words, will have something to say about it, and will do something about it too.