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Originally posted by SandyC
Hi All
I've enjoyed reading all your comments so keep it up.
I'm not an expert so can someone shed some light on the Siemens reading of 10,000 as this seems to low to assume it could be a significant find of massive sulphides. Whilst they say massive sulphides if could be a small width and depth plus only have very small % of Nickel. IMO too early to get excited but if anything we may at least get some more respectable pricing back into the shares.
Also, seems to be a very very lucky coincidence that these results came in just after the placement at 0.005 cents. In fact 1 hour after the placement communication. Does anyone know when the placement was made (ie. after the announcement that MRD were doing DHEM testing or maybe after the actual results) and whether some of the sophisticated investors that bought in are infact some of our major shareholders? Surely if MRD was doing the DHEM testing then they best thing in the interests of all shareholders would have been to wait the week that it took to do the testing. All very suspect to me.
From what i understand placement of shares to those investors was completed last Wednesday before any news of results were discovered, i am sure management will update that info as ASIC will be asking some questions.