Lots of dodgy lying types in the press running their own...

  1. 6,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 259
    Lots of dodgy lying types in the press running their own agendas. Half these idiots are supporting political parties they don't even understand. Why would you want to support a party who users taxes as a class warfare weapon. Why support a party who plays with lives via border protection. Why vote for a bunch of people who only represent unions. The conflict of interest there is staggering at best. The unions are 10% of the work force but represent more than 50% of Labor. They will blow the budget up in the first minute of govt (already does not add up) Bill is either insulting shop owners, telling porky pies, being accused of some serious stuff or stabbing leaders in the back to find the time to be honest. Meanwhile, people are sleep walking towards a massive and obvious political mistake because the MSM keep telling them the govt is not any good. These are the same mental midgets who want an even worse outcome. Cant beat ideology over grey matter.
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