RFN 0.00% 0.2¢ reffind limited

Guys here is the thing. It has become unsettling in here and I...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 206
    Guys here is the thing. It has become unsettling in here and I respect that we have some frustrations but if we vent it shouldn't be on lack of news etc.... I too am frustrated but also understand how RFN has come to this scenario. I have taken advantage of the fact it is essentially a shell. But if you don't believe in any upside from here or if you think by some magical way Loyyal will bring us cash?...you might as well cut your losses...
    We need to look at the facts and see what we can do as shareholders? Collectively we have huge voting power. We have proven that. I'd say that voting power will increase soon significantly as my patience is very limited at the moment also but for other reasons.. I hold 17M+ shares on my personal account... I have met some fantastic people over last few weeks (some who represent US multi $B funds)....Just saying there might be opportunities out there that aren't being explored more suited to a public listed company duhduh....

    FYI... Some might not agree with me but this is how I see it;

    RFN is an absolute dead duck without an acquisition....
    Look at the history and total destruction of business value for shareholders over a short period of time.
    Anthony Dunlop was doing what he did to CHP / CMY and charging extortion consulting fees. He should not have been allowed to do this. If i was in the seat i would have told him to get lost (in other more aggressive words ) as I have no time for that crap in biz.... Tim Lea came in and wasted a bunch of money upgrading software without a sales and markets plan or resource or executive strategy.... not even a basic business plan by the looks of it.....

    David Jackson is just the Chairman...RFN have no active CEO or anyone actually running the business...
    Eugene Loy - No idea. The other guy - No idea but is corp lawyer so there is that...
    Rewards and Loyal co are doing some promo work for Loyyal and RFN are funding it and are charging whatever? $10K per month?

    Here is where I do get cranky;
    Who the hell is ripping the ass out of the P&L then??

    From last quarterly;
    e) staff costs (101)
    (f) administration and corporate costs (301)????
    $402K for the quarter to December - Who was paid what and where is the money going for what outcome? 34k in quarterly receipts....

    This quarter now;
    9.5 Staff costs 145
    9.6 Administration and corporate costs 109
    $254K on what exactly? How many staff does RFN have? Who is making the moola out of RFN ? I want to know.

    I expect the staff and corp costs to be sweet FA and drastically reduced from RFN.....I know way tighter shells. this is out of control has been for far too long........
    RFN still offers a ton of value at $2.5M if the right levers are pulled, they get the right help and they can pull their spending in but doubtful.
    Loyyal deal has to be worth something. Sell it next month when I assume Emirates gets the green light for a premium... We have already lost a crap ton of money on Loyyal over $1M in operating costs and pissing about with no return... no pilots, no resource etc..

    If you want to email me [email protected] I will get a list of shareholders together as I have a plan that has our interest at top of mind.
    I will most likely pick up more next week or so to take me well into the 20m range so will put my money where my efforts are.

    Last edited by ryobal: 22/03/19
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