Long list of Renewable Project failures, page-9

  1. 4,142 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    With the Redflow ZBM the raw materials are common and recycable i.e. Zinc Bromide and Plastic. Lithium batteries you have to come up with Lithium and Redox Vanadium.

    The ZBM is stable in temperatures up to 50 degrees. Lithium 30 degrees and Lead Acid are susceptible to weather conditions.

    Redflow has a large storage model of up to 60 ZBM's in a shipping container for remote areas mines etc.

    Once economies of scale begin happening the ZBM' s will be much cheaper.

    Also the ZBM's can be discharged to zero with no adverse effects on the battery and will retain their charge indefinitely without having to be topped up.
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