morning kingy you made a blanket statement - "“All people will...

  1. 28,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    morning kingy

    you made a blanket statement -

    "“All people will take or do anything they want unless there are enforced rules ”

    If true and all well this can only mean that you have never met anyone who has never taken a sick day, although sick, when the employment contract entitles people to 20 or so a year.

    So - there are only 3 possibilities there, because there are many people that do that in our culture for a start

    1. Your statement is incorrect
    2. You haven't met anyone - which means, you really should get out more
    3. You have met them but, have forgotten and should get the memory checked

    Last edited by pintohoo: 19/03/19
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