Typical R! Siggh...mind set is to average down usually. Oh well...at least I'm in!
Emm...not directed to you R...but the Board grnerally...I just tried to set up a thread called ASX 2018...as a chronological reference thread for holders and newbs. I must of stuffed it up as I'm not seeing it come up.
For anyone adept at this kind of thing would be nice for the purposes of houskeeping mainly...if they would perhaps set up the following threads (no pressure) otherwise I'm going to create like a thousand threads in cyberspace before I hit the jackpot.
Know the Co is in infancy so from past experience seems to work a peach on other boards by bringing main focus on things pertinent to any share for both holders and newbs alike.
They are as follow
"ASX 2018"...purpose chronology of events
"FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS" ...purpose...self explanatory
"TECHNICAL ANALYSIS"...purpose...charts/SP movements/patterns etc
If anyone takes issue...please advise if they think it's a poor idea for any reason.