Whenever there's financial crisis or significant financial impact, every sector will be affected.
Simply because every business borrows money and capital from banks.
In a crisis, people and banks feel terrible, lending out money, if any at all.
So, business either pays an extremely high interest rate or get no money at all.
When business condition worsens, it leads to reduced consumption and spending.
Eventually, leading to economic downturn.
That's why "financial tsunami usually starts with a small ripple"
Even though Brexit would not directly impact CCL, but definitely affect the credit market, making borrowing money harder and more costly. More importantly, it affects people confidence, in terms of reduced spending, investment and etc.
I guess at the end of the day, if a business does not borrow money and grow its business through its own capital, there would not be bankruptcy.
But, since in a debt-fueled business world, most of the businesses borrow money to grow faster, so when money becomes more expensive to borrow, business would be impacted and some could even be running short of cash to support daily operation.
Though CCL has great brand, I am still looking for opportunity to gain entrance.