Yeah, but maybe it is more a case for the labor mob that they are not seen to be taking direction from an oil and gas company or the liberal party.
If a third party comes back with gas findings, labor are essentially off the hook in this regard. i.e-" its not us, its the scientists"
Labor will not be wanting to make this election more contestable than it needs to be. They want control- not a 50-50 share of power and no chance in the senate. Shorten has let Vic labor know probably for sometime directly, and now of course politically by stating it in a speech- that he would like conventional opened up in Victoria. In other words he is applying his own form of political pressure. And who knows, perhaps Andrews et al have been informed this is happening and are not entirely unhappy about it. i.e- it lets the Greens see that this pressure is real and to expect changes - and that these changes have been to a large extent forced through 1. They electorates dissapointment at gas prices.
2. Science (IF though-if that info is favourable to us and the scientists arent complete hacks....which you never know)
3. Political presssure from above in their own political party re Shorten.
The Greens, despite their otherworldly concept of reality, will understand the concept of political pressure.
So my point here is that pressure might be a construct of sorts. Shortens words were a big deal imo. To state this publically is either to distance himself or to gain the political high ground before a change of policy.
If it is the latter then the Greens have had it clearly demonstrated that the Vic labor party is not so much back tracking on policy as they are bowing to the weight of political pressure.