Ect REP Firstley Am I rigtht to say that the TPA or RCA bond is taken care of now and it was the only thing needed to be garanteed for NMDC to approve the singing of the RCA?
Secondly If that is the case am I right to say that the 30% ELF loan repayment discount offer is not to aid the RCA to become singed or for the TPA to progress or for the draft RCA to come out of freeze?
Thrdly Apart from the discount on its own why does ECT think ELF loan paticipents would repay there loans before the RCA came out of freeze and got finaly singed after the March 31 timeline aim? After it is singed it is less risk and the share price might go up and then they would be in the money. That is what makes me ask my third queston. I know option and shere holders should have there own financal advice but what is in the companys mind about this very point? Thank you.