RE - many days a year in Australia is the SUN not shining and WIND not blowing?
Have a look at how much power QLD has to EXPORT to SA just to keep their lights on - even with the sun shining & the hot air blowing in their state & god know there is a lot of hot air down there.
Take away your base load & we are back in the dark ages. No renewables can fill that gap.
Greenies have no back up or economically feasible solution.
Look at the size of the solar farm Saudi's are looking to build. The equivalent of Sydney to Mebourne 4 kn's wide, but they are still building nuclear power plants for the base load. Solar for them is good for desal, but not base load...good for topping up the grid.
Li ion is not the solution for energy storage (good for Elons back pocket ---not mine). Flow batteries may be a step inthe right direction, but still not base load replacement.
China building 1 Nuclear power plant every 4 months for the next 10 years says it all really.
Nothing is cheaper or cleaner.