Agree a prime resouce and good infrastructure and good legistation are key but there are lots of parts to sovereign risk incluidng;
being able to get your money out. Would value any feed back on this with any good examples of succes in CAY region?
also Feudal leaders who reign supreme in a small region byensuring they are wealthy and all powerful and maintain their position by ensuring the general populace are very poorand easily controlled. Suddenly a newmine development granting wealth and education to the unwashed masses can bringa rapid end to such local despots power and as a result you can end up fighting the power of a local despot controlling local government pupets etc who are needed to give concents. Lost a lot of money on a brilliant resource with all the bells andwhistles (multi metal resource in Kyrgyst so rich that credits of byproduct metals meant gold mined for free with a $b Au resourse open in all directions). Would be interested in how other's perceive thisparticular risk in Cameroon and specifically minim martap region?
Appreciated. Cheers DH
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