Leading Analyst Companies - Duetche Bank, Goldmann and Sachs, Credit Sussie, Forsyth Barr and Macquarie, have latest ratings and valuation of NZO. All place a share evaluation of between $1.00 NZ and $1.10 NZ with two rating it as outperform and and the majority with buy recommendations.
It would seem that the overselling price drop was/is exactly that and NZO is at bargain prices. Quite encouraging really, at worst scenario NZO is way underpriced, at best or a whiff of success and there should be leaps and bounds ahead from an optimistic point of view.
One cannot bank optimism but one can bank successful cross drilling at Tui and December/January drilling at Taranaki Basin should the powers to be offer NZO a change of their recent misfortunes.
I do like that NZO is getting more aggressive and further afield with their explorations.