V. I dont think he was pulling my leg....long term ausgrid boy...

  1. 14,620 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    I dont think he was pulling my leg....long term ausgrid boy and long term friend
    as for costs well a lot are getting panels and elec is skyrocketing.
    Tell me ...what has gone up like elec over the last 3 years
    Bloody thieves at the top of the chain are doing it at a time when
    coal is going thru the floor in price.
    A lot of people like my ausgrid mate are hoping and expecting this is
    on the way, Those using a lot of power should cop a gst rise on their excesses
    ........and the piggies at the top can get another job .
    They cannot justify rising prices any where near what we have had
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