Expired: 19,798,500 – Opt. exercisable at 20 cents each on or before 31/12/07 (quoted) 16,535,735 – Opt. (restricted for 24 mths) @ 20c on or before 31/12/07 (Not Quoted)
EVG have some stated short term goals:
1. To issue up to 100 million Ordinary Shares in the Company at a price of $0.16 each, under a prospectus to raise $16 million * DONE
2. EnviroGold is in the final stages of negotiating a US$22.0 million facility with its bank for the project finance for the Las Lagunas project --- waiting. * JANUARY 2008:
3. Commence construction of the Las Lagunas project in October 2007 --- * ACCORDING TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT DATED 28/11/07 IT WOULD APPEAR TO BE UNDERWAY