The aim of this activity was to create a brief assessment of recent research conducted my Macquarie Equities and from other sources, that visited KZL's North Queensland operations and reported on its new five-year strategy.
KZL SWOT Analysis
impressive suite of tenements
recent operational improvements and cost reductions
experienced management and skilled staff
70% conversion from resource to reserve status across all Far North Queensland projects
control over 2300 km2 in FNQ
ability to dispose of Lounge Lizard & Mungana for circa 160m
clear strategy going forward
improved investor communication
high cost producer
short-dated assets
every 1-cent appreciation in the AUD adds A$4m to operating costs
KZL must truck ore from its short mine-life regional operations, which is a major contributor to operating costs
stockpile management
credibility in the market
over the next three years, KZL will need a cash injection of $100m
expensive feasibility study for Admiral Bay, which includes a 1,400m deep shaft that will cost nearly $200m
North Queensland exploration program
spending A$50m over the next two years on drilling
high level of interest in Admiral Bay
2-year, 5-year and conceptual plan to increase the Thalanga mill life to 7, 12.5 and 20.5 years
2-year, 5-year and conceptual plan to increase the Mt Garnet mill life to 14.5, 24.5 and 29.5 years
2 year, 5 year and conceptual plan to increase the Northern Region mill life to 11.5, 17.5 and 27.5 years
developed a concept to utilise recent developments in optical spectral or X-ray ore sorting to upgrade ROM ore and decrease trucking costs
intends to achieve a 30% reduction in site controllable cash costs over the next 5-years
strong zinc market outlook 2013-2015
tight global copper mine supply
5-year strategic plan relies heavily on a significant increase in proven resources-reserves
may burn cash for the next few years before production increases and costs fall