Just read the IPO. my thoughts are scattered so I'll present my ideas on a pro/con basis. I'm a qualified molecular biologist but have little/no expertise in this field.
CEO will be getting a ludicrous wage with relatively little skin in the game. A few performance shares in there for good measure but ~$400k pa plus bonuses is eye watering.
Cash burn is massive and this will need a CR quickly but that could be a pro which I'll discuss later
3D printing is miles off but the concept is there and I accept it as plausible and beneficial over existing technology. Only proven in mouse model as far as I can see.
Several things in the pipeline which could be seen as a bigger risk- I would prefer them to master profitability with one thing before pouring cash into another
Pros- BOD linked to other ASX hype stocks- UUV, DRO, NEA and KTD to name a few. Like most hype stocks they list just before a big piece of news which sends the SP flying in time for a CR.
Which leads me onto the fact that they expect a better version of the treatment to be ready this half. It will increase shelf life which will provide a wider area/more consumers to reach.
Currently only serving two hospitals. Increase that by one and you have 50% growth so potential for a bit of scale here with the new and improved treatment.
The treatment is at least as good or a better treatment to existing ones (IMO) once they can prove that with more studies then the potential for Medicare rebates, insurance etc opens up the potential to become a leader for the pancreatitis market.
Overall I like the concept of what they're currently doing and the idea of where they are trying to get to, but from a business perspective it's just another cash burning biotech hopeful. I wouldn't "invest" in this company per se however I can see the slightest whiff of hype with the 3D printing factor and it will send this thing flying. Overall a good speculative risk
to take for a ~6 month timeframe. I'm in for a penny. IMO only.
koligo therapeutics limited
Koligo IPO, page-10
Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 29 MARCH 2019 #