Thanks Plough. I used $300/MWh as I have seen that used in oz energy proposals and papers. I guess from a USD point that will be around US$216/MWh. It will obviously depend on the cost of oil which is up toward the $80/bbl at the moment.
The cost of coal/solar/hydro from the grid I envisage would be around $80/MWh wholesale but you then have the additional costs of grid connection (paying for the poles and wires and voltage support services etc) which if you look at oz is around $100/MWh and you then have a retailer sitting in between the generator and consumers taking probably 15% to pay for billing services etc
The 19MW I pulled from the Arden report - I did notice the big difference to the 12MW for the 2.5mtpa plant.. I think the method you’ve used is sound. As a cross reference I was just looking at data on oz Minerals carrapateena project which is 4.25mtpa and they revised down their energy requirement from 21MW to 16.5MW through optimisation in the DFS - processing plant only.. so the 14.4MW for a 3mtpa plant appears consistent.