Heres one for you Gelatine ... Why ?? Because they are marketing...

  1. 7,114 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 461
    Heres one for you Gelatine ... Why ??

    Because they are marketing it a bit more processed as Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides.

    Gelatine and Hydrolyzed Collagen peptides have the same 90% protien content of amino acids..

    100 grams of Gelatine is $3.70c at the supermarket, with some reports I read saying they did tests on Aged Mice giving Hydrolyzed Collagen peptides to half the mice but not to the other half , and most on the supplement lived 30% longer.

    Good enough for me, make some jelly too easy. Put a dash in a bowl with a teaspoon of honey and hot water, cool fridge it or freezer and eat. Or just add a dash to tea or coffee, Done for 30% extra life I will take that.
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