JIM Studies philosophy, including metaphysics, ethics,...

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    Studies philosophy, including metaphysics, ethics, Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths and Existentialism. After study and reflection, he figured out the meaning of life, and how to live happily in harmony with nature and the universe at the public's expense. Although not wealthy, his life was one of smoking bongs, contemplating the symbolism of the lotus, joy and discovery. While contemplating his naval while waiting for the dole, Jim 'discovered' it had a remarkable similarity to the head of a Philips screw, and his thirst for further 'discovery' induced him to unscrews his naval. Jim's A R S E fell off, and he died, the only useful thing he ever did for mankind.

    Became an electrician, and he soon started his own business. The variety of the work and his customer base, plus the good money his business earned, plus the challenge of running a growing business, and all that it required in terms of financial, legal and people skills, transformed Joe into an astute and satisfied entrepreneur. He was mystified why his seemingly intelligent cousin, Jim, wasted his time and talent to self-indulgent psuedo-intellectual wanking, but did not waste time musing on the matter. Joe went to Jim's cremation, but the pathetic chanting of the Buddist monk, gave Joe the shits, as did the sight of Joe's barefooted relic throwing petals into the wind, so he left early, to work on the design of a solar-driven electrical pump that he hoped would be a success.​
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