Welcome Dui. I believe this is the only credible water company...

  1. 2,103 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 281
    Welcome Dui. I believe this is the only credible water company on the ASX. The other, within the Blue Sky group, I wouldn't get anywhere near it.

    Interestingly, there are couple of people today willing to give their D2O shares cheaper, which is great for the accumulator!. This is not your specky stock on the fly - it is a long term low risk high return investment grade. Very defensive, yes. Well suited for

    There are a lot of good stocks under the radar. I am always searching and will bring to everyone's attention when I see a good one.

    A research house mentioned Alcidion (ALC) yesterday, this to do with patient data analytics for health institutions , which made its moves the last few days, but this business has competition, not as novel as it looks, closest peer is M7T which is under the radar and unloved for a number a reasons (used to like it but not anymore). M7T has better client references than ALC but bigger losses but much lower market cap.
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