ISN 9.09% 6.0¢ isonea limited

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  1. 172 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Blokes, the reason for the development of the Sonosentry was due to the fact that the not every asthma sufferer in the world has a smartphone or access to one and in the US alone the penetration of smartphones across the population is circa 70%. That still leaves close to 30% without smartphones not to mention developing markets like India and China where it is even lower. Also, the development has been done so as to protect the software IP especially for markets such as China where it can be problematic to have banks of servers in the country which could and not will be prone to IP theft. The Sonosentry as a stand alone device has been developed to protect the IP in these markets whilst being able to work on less that optimal networks and cloud connectivity. Just in case you and mak thought you might want to do your research and understand the product suite more accurately and where each fits in.
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