Now I could be wrong but extensive research is becoming a little...

  1. 9,807 Posts.
    Now I could be wrong but extensive research is becoming a little overwhelming and the problem, well for some it will be, it's Biblically based and probably not the site here to go into depths.

    Babylon which all pointers point to the USA (Spiritual context we have to see the matter now in).
    They go down in 1 hour, helpless to do a thing about it, Military the lot and the whole world stands back, is in disarray as in what the hec and how and what are we going to do.
    That would suggest communication, radar etc go into melt down?

    Who does it --> One country appears to fit the many descriptions down to a tee = Dragon country, comes in from their north = would mean over Canada.
    Think,..... Fat Kim goes on his big train into China and comes out ready to talk to Trump, the meeting was nearly off but Kimy opened the door again (odd) = so all of a sudden Kim after all these years wants to talk = Something is seriously up Doc?
    What did XI, China's leader (666) say to Kim, are they up to something?
    China recently sent up GF-6 satellite, (= Dragon name) part of their plan to be the worlds dominant in that area and it's no secrete, so has this latest got this jamming capabilities?
    Whoever comes against Babylon, a hook in their jaw is planted = no choice, having been drawn in, they then devise and evil plan.
    Is what Trump doing China this Hook in the jaw, and are they teaming up with N/K and Co?
    Rothschild's, The Money is well set up in China and has helped China in bad times.
    The China leader, from childhood, was trained and primed for future leadership and he now has full control and endless leadership terms.
    If it is them, they only exit with 1/6 of their HUGE army (as described) that comes in = WHO goes after them?
    USA down, can you imagine the refugees around the world, spread like white ants coming out from under their rocks?
    Including the Erdogon Turk leader and his plans, revival of the Ottoman Empire, which Trump has also thrown a spanner into it?

    When, many pointers pre-Xmas?

    There is miles of support for it, but not on here, but naturally most think I'm nuts haha!
    Many have missed numerous signs as they look at certain countries and miss the change = look at the spiritual context now for who is who and not old landmarks, countries.
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