MTU 0.00% $12.17 m2 group ltd

is any getting excited !, page-11

  1. 68 Posts.
    I've sold my MTU shares and have switched to TLS. Telstra's 10.4% dividend fully franked looks better to me than MTU's probable 5% dividend and minimal possibility of much further capital gain in the immediate future. The way I see it there is a good possibility of a decent capital gain with Telstra once the future fund stops rebalancing its investments by selling off some of its Telstra portfolio and the $11 billion deal for Telstra to sell it's aging copper network to the government is finalised. Of course I could be wrong and Telstra could continue to drop in price. Some people believe it could drop by half again but if that happens I'll try and make do with the 28% fully franked dividend! Sure Telstra's profit is likely to fall in the future once the NBN is fully built and there is more of a level playing field for telcos but it's likely to be a gradual fall and the dividend has a lot of fall left in it to come down to MTU's level. That's just me though. As they say do your own research.
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