IMO, Fiji has a much higher Soverign risk than Indonesia or many...

  1. 7,501 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    IMO, Fiji has a much higher Soverign risk than Indonesia or many African countries and is more akin to PNG
    without PNG's pretense of democracy. For example , its taxation regime on foreign ownership is unreal. New
    imported equipment is very highly taxed with exemptions given for special projects (wink, wink, say no more)

    The bottom line is that if a corporation decides to re-export the equipment later, that the PNG Government will
    insist on the Import Tax which "gained" exemption is paid before an export licence is issued. So if an enterprise
    fails ( as did logging projects in the 1980's & 90s) the plant and equipment has to be left in Fiji because its
    used value is invariably less than the re-export tax.

    Government decisions which are made without proper environmental studies can be readily reversed depending on
    outcomes and this dredging operation has the potential to do massive environmental damage, so as they say
    in the "Dragons Den"..."I'm Out".

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