The thing is with Iron Ore prices it all goes back to supply &...

  1. 27,439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    The thing is with Iron Ore prices it all goes back to supply & demand - with the RESOUCRE BOOM over recent years many many more new companies where created likes of FMG, AGO yada yada the mainstays & giants of the past rapidle expanded operations & production - there is far more ore circulating now than there has ever been before. Why did new players come online & the kingpins rapidly accelerate operations ? really for onw reason & one reason only, China was expanding @ a rapid rate as it built it's cities the thing is now IT'S BEEN BUILT sure there will always be demand to sustain industry & growth but anything like what was required to establish it ? i highly doubt that to be the case. Chinas next step is to build business for their new hubs sure steel plays a role in that but it is so much greater than steel & steel only.

    Their demand could not of been met within the this timeframe if everybody didn't jump onboard to accelerate production but it doesn't mean that same amount of ore is required going forward.

    Why would IO prices increase when the markets holding far more than anytime in history ? If anything i would say further decreases as time moves forward
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