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Originally posted by dpdebrec
I would expect for Annual Financials together with summary of operations be lodged by end of September.
I would be hopeful that it would shed light on some or all of the following:
Estimated arrival & commissioning of Tomra XRT machine
Dewatering of kimberlite pipes & mining of kimberlite material ready to process
Details of sales from diamond tender in Antwerp.
This stock will be totally re-rated within the next 6-8 weeks if the Tomra machine is successful in spitting out a few of the larger stones that Merlin is historically known for.
The market will totally ignore the Gutnick factor & the share price will be multiples of the current share price.
The market will start to wake up to the potential of this stock in the near future. Current market cap approx $10 mill
Let all the knockers get out over here at the bottom & let the rally commence.
Watch this space.
Agreed interesting times ahead with a lot of announcements expected for the rest of this year. Huge share dump today though at $0.006. Someone wanted out.