Originally posted by ozblue
A lot of this thread belongs in the dreaming thread.
The company has bought into a 250,000t/a copper processing plant.
To expect it to turn out anymore than 250,000 of anything is dreaming.
The original plan was to turn this plant into a cobalt processing plant. Now with the 'ore agreements' it seems that WFE are going to produce more copper than cobalt (2.5%Cu grade, 1% Co grade in ore)
We know/expect the existing plant can run 250,000t/a of copper ore to produce copper hydroxide, but that is it. To run both copper leach tanks, then cobalt leach tanks, will IMHO require a lot more than a $.5m upgrade.
The $.5m upgrade announced back last year was the cost of converting the plant, not IMO to duplicate all the leach tanks/ circuits.
That’s a pretty uninformed guess.
Maybe they will not bother with copper and use all the leach tanks for cobalt?
Maybe you have no idea what leach tanks cost?
or both?
Patience grasshopper getting impatient won’t change anything .....