Hi I've done some more reading up on it. DDE isn't supported on...

  1. 3,028 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31

    I've done some more reading up on it.

    DDE isn't supported on Macs - end of that story.
    Active-X will be a more significantly complex than DDE.
    There are ways of connecting to IBs API that arent' documented, such as python and R, however, these two will be significantly "techie".

    Given the limitations of tech ability and the mac, I don't see that there is an easy outcome for you.
    There might be a tech type out there that has a python program that they wish to share.

    Cost Benefit Analysis perhaps. Calculate the cost of a windows PC and Excel vs Missing the trades.

    Sorry I can't be of more help. Be interesting to see if someone else can supply a solution.

    Good luck.

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