#Alphacomp, I am so glad to see you here on the TNO board with your sentiment of buy and holding TNO shares too !
Like you, my biggest position in vanadium shares is in BMN, followed by TNO, but much lesser. I believe in both, same country, same comodity with very high grades.
If you are willing to contribute a ittle bit of your huge knowledge base in vanadium on this board too, it would be fantastic for all readers and shareholders !!
Beside of this, I encourage all readers here to view the "thebushveldperspective"-blog,
imo there is rarely, hard to find a better blog for information in vanadium, especially in BMN. My greatest respect for this, #Alphacomp.
But let me add here an artice, where TNO is mentioned too:
and your post on the other board for all, who will learn "of precisely why Vanadium is so exciting" ( I hope you admit this)