The only thing that ‘progressives’ do is make bigotry a government policy & serve their own vile needs.
We now have UK Labour actively going for class division- perhaps they feel their work to divide people along racial etc lines is almost complete?
This stuff is right out of the communist handbook- turn students against their teachers & parents, turn ethnic etc groups against one another & finally divide people along lines of social class.
Race to the bottom & give as much to the least deserving as possible whilst chopping down society’s hardest workers- all the while policing what people think/say & changing the meaning of words to suit the twisted fantasy that is the idea that wiping out the rich people will do anything beyond make the lazy/downright evil feel a bit special for a moment while they consume all that has been built, leaving everyone with nothing.
The finish line? Mass starvation/a society of thieves & complete social/economic collapse.
*don’t forget to blame ‘the Jews’ because some of them work in banking.... even though anyone can enter the banking world and work their way up*