IMF coming after your savings. Bail-in on steroids., page-7

  1. 22,237 Posts.
    it hasnt really. many have been aware of the machinations of the imf and the bis with the govt following their dictates but many simply refused to believe that in our "democratic" society, it could turn out to be reality.

    i think that the royal commission has some link to this. the missus and i were discussing this the other night. many are losing confidence in the banking system in oz and may push many (especially the younger set) into neobanks moving cash and business away from the bricks and mortar model.

    the fsb (which sounds like a set of letters more appropriate for a govt spy agency) is regarded as the fourth pillar of the global banking system. the fsb has been pushing for central bankers to take control of commercial banks.

    the fsb members are - the fed, ecb, boe, china, saudi, switzerland, russia, japan, korea. this is a gloabist entity and if it is dicatating terms here in oz and our govt rolls over in obeisance like howard did prior to introducing the gst we are lost (he held a meeting with the imf etc 6 months prior to the gst introduction) - scotty wont stop or prevent it and you can bet shorty wont either.
    pull your money out people and buy ag land
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