Those UK onshore fields are generally very profitable thanks to the "small fields allowance" .
I don't think IGAS is quite the basket case that many commentators who are shorting it make out . I think the shareprice is more a reflection of peoples fears that it could become one .
On Monday , Parliament votes on the UK Infrastructure Bill which includes changes to the trespass act to enable drillers to drill horizontally under land even if the owners of the surface rights object .
This is likely to be very close with spineless MP's not wishing to do anything which would jeopardise their chances of re-election in May's General Election .The Govt could be defeated .
As we know the Scottish Nationalist Party anti-shale gas and anti-CBM .Now the leader of the Scottish Labour Party , Jim Murphy has said that if the becomes First Minister in 2016 he will ban frac'ing in Scotaland .
OK so Airth does not involve hydraulic fracturing but that distinction will not stop the bad tempered Scot from throwing his weight around .