WalkerYou could be right, I think I heard it on the radio whilst...

  1. 16,815 Posts.

    You could be right, I think I heard it on the radio whilst I was driving so It could the plane was on fire then hit the ground or the plane was not on fire then hit the ground. Window down in the car and the noise I may have misheard.
    I have actually flown in a lot of aircraft in the Army and civilian. I have only done about 25 hours years ago and never followed it up. A friend of mine owned an aircharter business at the time.
    I have seen in quite a few of the Air Crash Investigation series on TV that pilots are no longer sufficiently trained in manual flying anymore.
    You would have thought that the pilots could have gone to manual mode and actually flown the aircraft old school instead of just fighting with the damn computer.
    We will probably have to wait at least a year or so to find out what happened if we ever really find out.
    Me thinks Boeing has a lot riding on the outcome of this investigation so I think they will be lobbying a lot of people.
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