MG. You seem to basing your whole charging argument on someone...

  1. 12,828 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    You seem to basing your whole charging argument on someone doing a lot of driving. Considering that the average Australian does under 15k per year and the average commuter does less than 60km per day, most people will never visit a servo. And that's with today's technology.

    Provided they have charging at home, it will be an incredibly rare event for them to have to publically charge their car. Using the new Audi Etron as an example, it can 80% recharge in 30 mins. That's after about 400ks. So, someone that has been driving for 4 or 5 hours to do that 400ks is probably looking for a break that big.

    No, it won't suit every Australian driver. But for millions of cars in Australia, an electric powered car is already a practical alternative ( ignoring the price ) . Because of the uptake and therefore the development of evs, probably in 5 years time evs will even suit you're particular demands.
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