King.You seem to want technology to appear overnight.How do you...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    You seem to want technology to appear overnight.

    How do you think technologies get developed ? It takes money and time. Nothingis invented and put to market the next day.

    Using evs and renewable energy as an example, look at how far both technologies have come in a short time. Solar power is approximately a tenth of the price it was a decade ago.

    Prior to the introduction of the Tesla S model 7 years ago, there was hardly an electric vehicle market. Now all the major car manufacturers are developing their own. Mercedes, Volvo , Vw will have at least half of their range powered by electricity in the next 5 years.

    Economies of scale accelerate technological development. That's how it works. In 5 years you will be driving an electric because it will not only be cheaper to own, it will be cheaper to buy purely on sticker price.
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